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Where is the Best State in the U.S. for Off The Grid Living?

Where is the Best State in the U.S. for Off The Grid Living? Who knows…? But let’s try to answer this as best we can, shall we? Let’s be clear…asking where the “best” state for off grid living is is a highly subjective question with highly subjective with answers only relative to individuals and their personal wants and preferences. Asking this question will not provide you with very good data because the data will be skewed toward each individuals personal preferences, wants, needs and worldview.

Why is any state “BEST”? What does “BEST” mean to you or the next person? One person’s “BEST” is different from the next person’s “BEST”.

“Best” is such a subjective word and the answers will be infinitely differing because individual’s worldviews and interests and what they need and want is completely and utterly different from person to person.

What place is the “best” place to live off the grid?

The easy answer is whichever state/country/region you’re happy! Where makes you happy? Don’t know? Go there! Travel to where you think you’ll be happy. Don’t ask people their personal opinions about where the best place is because their happy place is likely not the same as your happy place.

That’s what we’re really talking about here. Happiness. We all want to be happy. And each one of us has a different idea of what that happiness looks and feels like.

Figure out what makes you happy

What is it that makes you happy? Do you know? Have you been to the place where you believe you’ll be happy? What does your happy place look like? Large or small off grid cabin? Large or small off grid piece of land? What kind of weather makes you happy? Do you need 4 seasons? 3 seasons? Or would year round 70 degree weather make you happy?

Do you need to be near a city or far from the metro area? Do you like primitive living or do you like modern amenities and luxuries, or so you like a mix of both? Where do you fall on your political views? Conservative? Liberal? Moderate? Independent? Or do you just say “F” all the politicians and live your life for you and your family because you don’t trust or believe ANY of the politicians because they’re all corrupt liars? Where does your religious views or lack of religious view put you? There are billions of different individual religious views and certain regions that are more or less religious.

Do you need to be near schools because you have young children? Will you homeschool your kids or send them to public school or private school?

What makes you happy? Where do you think you’ll be happy? Do you know? Have you traveled the world? How do you know your happy place isn’t in another country or region of your home country? Have you seen the world? Have you been out there and traveled to other places to see how they live? Maybe there are ways to live that you never knew existed that would make you and your family happy. or would you rather just stick your head in the sand and live your life in the same 20 mile radius around where you were born? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that if that makes you happy. But that may not make someone else happy. That may not be enough for someone else.

Are you a socialite? Do you love social interaction? Do you love people? Some people need other people around to be in their personal happy place.

Finding your happy place requires thinking outside the box that you grew up in, unless of course that is your happy place and you love living there. Then that’s perfectly fine for you.

Unfortunately there are people who think they can dictate to you how you should live, according to their opinions and personal preferences and they project their own wants, needs and preferences onto you and yours without thinking or comprehending how rude and uncool that is. People live their lives how they choose to live their lives according their own personal happiness and they don’t get to tell others how to ilve their lives off grid.

Let’s face it. We all have our own way of life and what makes us happy. Find your happy place by traveling. Go to the places you think might make you happy. Experience will tell you only a little about where you want to be, but when you get where you’re happy, maybe it’s somewhere you never expected, and how would you know if you never went there?

There is no “best state” to live off grid because it’s all relative and subjective to YOU and your personal happiness and the safety and security of your family.

Where is the best place to live off the grid?

Wherever makes you happiest!


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