Off-the-grid or living off the grid means being disconnected from the electrical grid and/or public utilities. Off grid living means being self reliant, self sufficient, and living sustainably producing your own solar power, wind power, and storing electrical energy in a battery backup system.
There’s also a personal and philosophical definition of off-grid that means freedom and independence from the system and society. Some people believe off grid living is about living without modern technology, living wild and free and as primitively as possible without using modern technology.
All these definitions and interpretations are correct. Living off grid is about what you want it to be about not what someone says it is. It’s a lifestyle choice which some people view as getting “back to our roots” or living “one with nature“. It’s as much a philosophical belief system as it is a practical way of life.
Off-the-grid meaning:
Wikipedia definition: “The term “off-the-grid” traditionally refers to not being connected to the electrical grid, but can also include other utilities like water, gas, and sewer systems, and can scale from residential homes to small communities. Off-the-grid living allows for buildings and people to be self-sufficient, which is advantageous in isolated locations where normal utilities cannot reach and is attractive to those who want to reduce environmental impact and cost of living. Generally, an off-grid building must be able to supply energy and potable water for itself, as well as manage food, waste and wastewater.” SOURCE: Off-The-Grid
Living Off The Grid Is Much More Than That
It’s about self reliance, independence, and freedom. It means living your life free from the confines of a system that doesn’t care about you or your family. It means living free! Off grid living is ultimately about freedom. There is no other way to put it practically or technically speaking. It’s both a lifestyle and a philosophy with deep and ancient roots in the human psyche and condition.
Ancient people’s traveled overland and lived “off-grid” by default.
There was no “grid” before the industrial age and once that happened the freedoms we once had have slowly evaporated over time. Recently over that past few decades there has been a renewed interest by large groups of people all over the world in moving off the grid and living life more free.
Perhaps we’re coming full circle back to the basics, back to the ancient roots of humanity.
Back to freedom.
Off-The-Grid – Wikipedia