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WANT TO GO OFF GRID? Change Your Mindset: Shift Your Perspective And Focus On What Matters – Everything Else Is Just Noise

People are so used to the current system the way it is, they don’t know how to think outside of it. They’re trapped inside it, they knw they’re trapped, but they don’t know how to think to get out. It’s nit that they’re stupid, it’s just that they don’t know. It’s ignorance, yes, but ignorance doesn’t mean stupid, it simply means on doesn’t know something.
Getting out of the current greedy corrupt system is easier than most people think. The problem isn’t that there’s no way out. The problem is that there’s no time to think.
There are so many daily distractions and things we are responsible for, bills that need to be paid, jobs that need to be worked, kids that need to be picked up and dropped off from school or practice or events to go to or get ready for. Plus the daily chores and work around the house, car maintenance, house maintenance, meals to cook, grocery shopping, and even more bills to pay. It all takes time, so much time that we’re so busy with everyday things keeping everything running smoothly (contributing to the system) we don’t have time to think.
We need to be able to think about how to make our lives less stressful, more fulfilling, and enjoy more family time. Right now too much of our time is spent just keep a roof over our heads, food n the table and the lights on. Yeah sure, you must do all this when living off grid too, but there are certain things that we can automate, and a lot of things we don’t even need anymore.
First is recurring expenses that don’t contribute to the long term happiness of you and your family. This means RENT! Or if you’re stuck in a high cost mortgage, you may not be building that nest egg and freedom that you think you are. Especially if you’re living in the city or suburbs.
Living off grid doesn’t mean everything is free or that you don’t have to work. It’s more about living a better life. Better than this current system that requires the incomes of two or more people or 2 or more full time jobs to support. Used to be one person could work and earn a living. Now both parents must work and a lot of the time even 2 full time jobs isn’t enough to pay all the bills.
Shopping at the grocery store has become the norm. We all depend on it for most of our food. Walmart has become the main place where most people get their food and clothing and stuff for the house.
But what if that didn’t exist? What would you do? How would you feed yourself and your family? Where would you buy clothes? Where would you get the things you need to live the life you want to live?
You need to ask yourselves some serious questions.
What do I want out of life? Am I living the life I want to live? If not…Why not? The #1 answer to that question is money.
Did you know it’s easier to increase the amount of income you make than it is to save your way to your goals? I’m not saying you shouldn’t save money. Sure, you absolutely should save some money for a rainy day. But you also should focus more on increasing your income more than savings. Here’s why.
Increasing your income gives you more options. More money buys you more options. Less money decreases your options. If you don’t have money make more money. It’s not as difficult as it sounds.
But you’re need more time. More time comes from cutting back on your expenses because the higher your everyday expenses the more time and work you have to put into it to pay the expenses. Saving money will almost never be enough. You must also cut your expenses down as far as you possibly can.
The goal is to buy or pay off your off grid property completely in one go. No more payments. No monthly payments means you free up your time. More time means more opportunity to make money money doing something more lucrative while also giving you more time to spend with your family. Ultimately the end goal is simple. A happier life.
We all want to be happy. We want our families to be safe and happy and that’s about as simple as it gets. We believe that off grid living is the way to do that. But it’s not just about living off the grid. It’s about the freedom it gives us from the current system.
Stop! Step back from the system. Look at it. Look at your place in it. Are you where you want to be? What could you improve? What do you need to improve it? Money. Right? It’s all about the money. It’s always about the money. Not for money’s sake, but for the freedom and the opportunity and the time it will buy you.
Cut expenses. Save. But more importantly, increase your income. Start a business! (“But I don’t have time!”) sure you do. When you cut your expenses you are buying yourself more time. Use that time wisely and invest it into making more money. “But life isn’t all about money!” You’re right. It’s not. But we live in the real-world and the real-world requires money to live in it and if you want to escape the grid then you need money!
The goal is to buy a piece of land. Land is your foundation of peace and happiness. Money is the key to unlock the door to your off grid dream.
Don’t be trapped. Break free from the system and make your own way. Do your due diligence. Take your time. Don’t get in a hurry. Think outside the box that is the current system that is using you up. You only have so much time on earth, use it wisely. Make the most of it. If you’re not happy, ask yourself why. Ask yourself what you can do to make yourself happy. Build your dream one step at a time. It will take years. This is a journey. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Go slow. Learn as much as you can before taking the leap. Eventually you’ll get there.
When I get discouraged and I’m feeling down or unsure of myself or my path, someone very near and dear to me always tells me, “You’ll get there.” And sometimes that’s all you really need to hear to give you the motivation to keep working toward your goals.
Your off grid dream is possible. it’s not just a dream, it is a goal, it’s a way of life, it’s peace and happiness. It’s a journey and I hope you are successful and achieve your off grid dream. Good luck!

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