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The Best Long Term Off Grid Living & Survival Fuel

“You can’t get propane after the shit hits the fan, dumb@$$!”

True. That’s why they call it “preparing” and not postparing, GENIUS. If you wait until after the fact, you’re not gonna make it. Also, you can’t get gas or diesel either after 6-12 months. So…there’s that too.

I say this because yet again, some people are confused about the propane thing and why they should use propane instead of gas or diesel.

Here’s why?

Something folks should understand about propane.

If there’s a total collapse of the system… (unlikely, but let’s roll with it for shits and giggles for a sec) …gas and diesel will degrade over time. Also, fuel tanks “sweat” and this moisture can get into the fuel and engine and do damage or at least cost you valuable time. It could also cause tank corrosion in metal fuel tanks.

If the gasoline and fuel is not treated with additives to preserve the fuel, it will go bad over time. Depending on climate, humidity etc,, diesel and gasoline will degrade in 6 months to a year. Sometimes longer if you’re in ideal conditions. But generally speaking you can expect gas or diesel to last a year on the outside.

Then what?

If the shit does actually hit the fan, you’re better off with propane because it lasts forever and does not degrade. Your tank will rust or corrode before propane ever goes bad.

As for sourcing propane. You’re right. After the shit hits the fan is the wrong time to stock up on propane. That’s why they call it “preparing” instead of postparing, because you do it BEFORE the shit hits the fan.

I’m of the firm belief that propane is the perfect long term survival fuel. You’re welcome to try to convince me otherwise, and I’m open to being wrong if you can show me evidence I’m wrong. But I don’t think I am.

Propane is the best long term fuel you can buy simply because it lasts forever. It’s a little more expensive, but well worth the peace of mind in my opinion.
That’s what survival is all about. Surviving. If your fuel goes bad, you’re screwed.

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