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13 Reasons You’re Not Ready For The Apocalypse

Do you think you’re ready to survive the apocalypse!? Here are 13 reason you’re not ready! 13 things you must prepare for or your odds of survival are drastically reduced. Think you would be one of the lucky ones? Would it be “lucky” to survive the collapse of civilization as we know it?

13 APOCALYPTIC SURVIVAL SCENARIOS: Threats you must prepare for or you will not survive. Any one of these things could kill you and millions of other people.

Biological Warfare

Global pathogenic pandemic, whether natural or by biowarfare from governmental bioweapon’s technology, lab accident, or by terrorist attack. For this scenario the outbreak is caused by humans. Maybe some global military conspiracy to take over the world or maybe it’s just an experimental virus that escapes the lab. Either way it could turn into all out war. Do you think countries today don’t have biological warfare departments and programs to develop biological weapons? Of course they do, if they’re smart. If they don’t other countries will. The logic is that there are enemy states, governments who will do anything to win at warfare. The survival of their nation is at stake. They aren’t going to sit idly by while their enemies develop bioweapons and not develop some kind of counter biological warfare program, or even biological weapons to be used. These programs would be top secret and the government would deny, deny, deny, they exist. There’s no way to really know or confirm that they exist, but they likely do.

Chemical WarFare/Leaks

You will have to prepare for chemical attack/accidents as well. The apocalypse will cause massive system failures and this will in turn cause large isolated chemical leaks from industrial accidents.

Nuclear Blast/Fallout

Nuclear war is a possibility. Global tensions are at an all time high. Nuclear war is possible. The Cold War II is here and we’re living in it right now. Is it likely? No. Will cooler head prevail? We can only hope. If not then are you ready for the fallout from a nuclear weapon? Are you in the path of the fallout? Are you near any strategic targets that might be the target of an enemy nuclear attack? Do you have a nuclear fallout bunker? Probably not. That was Cold War era stuff and we don’t need to worry about that anymore do we? Sure we do. It’s on the top of the list of things we should prepare for.

Another scenario where nukes might be used…If there’s a massively deadly pandemic with a very high mortality rate and a spread of the virus so quickly it will be impossible to contain, some governments will most likely use nukes to stop something like a zombie virus outbreak (we talk about below); it will happen as a last resort to stop the spread of the pandemic. You will have to prepare and protect against radioactive fallout, contaminated water and air, and food. Proper filtration will be needed, gas masks, and proper protective gear will have to be worn while on the surface.

Political Upheaval

In the initial stages of the apocalypse before the inevitable collapse, political upheaval will be the result as governmental infighting breaks out and divides governments as they try to figure out how best to handle everything. Things will be chaotic, no one will know what to do but everyone will claim to know. Everyone will be scared and the political climate will change drastically very quickly. It will cause civil unrest.

Civil Unrest

Chaos, rioting, looting, gangs, violence, and crime will become rampant as society collapses under the weight of a global apocalypse. Likely however the civil unrest is going to be regional, maybe national, but isolated in pockets and is usually quelled fairly quickly by a government in control. However, if there is a global problem, like war, then the civil unrest may also be global as well.

Grid Down/All Utilities

The power grid will fail because all civil systems and public utilities require people to run them. A global apocalypse would affect the majority of the population and cause the worst possible damage to all civil systems and public utilities would become useless. Collapse is inevitable with a global apocalypse, especial one caused by a virus with a 90% or higher mortality rate (see Zombie Apocalypse below).

Global Economic Collapse

A collapse of the global economy may be the most likely even during a pandemic. The economy will be hit hard due to a pandemic. Governments will be too busy fighting the pandemic to worry about the economy, or maybe they’ll worry more about the economy than the pandemic (this article was written originally long before the current pandemic we’re living in now).

A zombie virus pandemic with a 90% mortality rate will decimate governments, militaries, law enforcement, first responders and healthcare systems. Money will become worthless as people struggle just to survive.

Terrorist Attack

The apocalypse (collapse of society) could be caused by biowarfare by a political/corporate terrorist attack. It would have to be a major attack to cause problems on a global scale, but a terrorist attack could trigger a nuclear exchange between nuclear powers. It could be used for the catalyst for a global war. WW3 kind of escalation.

Extreme Climate

Aside from our current climate change crisis which is slower and reversible if we act on it in the right manner. If nuclear war happens, or if nukes are used to try to stop the zombie apocalypse it may usher in a nuclear winter/summer. This will cause storms, and these storms will spread radioactive fallout all around the globe. Extreme temperature fluctuations will occur regionally throughout the globe. Agriculture will be hit hardest so food shortages will cause mass famine (see below).


EMP (electromagnetic pulse) from nukes will affect unshielded technology close to and within range of the pulse from the epicenter of the blasts. You must properly shield your mission-critical electronic devices/vehicles or they become useless. EMP-like effects can also be caused naturally by the Sun. The Sun could have a massive solar flare and it could take out all our communication and the electric grid. All vehicles with computers would be fried, and most computers would become useless. The internet would be destroyed as servers and all electronics connected to the grid would be wiped out from the EMP blast. This would crash the economy as well, governments would be in chaos, political upheaval and civil unrest would become the norm. Things would spiral out of control very quickly.

Natural Disasters

If nukes are used it will cause major weather changes, and depending on the locations of the blasts, it could trigger earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruption, and powerful storms. Wild storms, firestorms, etc. will happen if there is a nuclear war; it will usher in a new long term climate change such that the world has never seen before.


Starvation will occur because farms and food systems will collapse due to any of the above apocalyptic scenarios. The agriculture system is designed to be JUST IN TIME (JIT) to cut back on food waste and increase profits for corporations. The food system isn’t designed to feed people, it’s designed to increase profits for corporate entities that gets rich by selling fresh food. This system is very fragile and food shortages will happen during a pandemic (as evidenced by the current pandemic we’re experiencing now) but just imagine if the pandemic were worse, if there were a zombie apocalypse with a virus that had a 90% mortality rate instead of 1%. How do you think that would affect the food systems? Are you prepared? I don’t think anyone is prepared for that.

The apocalypse will cause the complete collapse of human civilization

All systems will be destroyed or severely damaged. Government, economy, agriculture, military, law enforcement, water and food systems, transport, communications, medical systems. All of it will be affected. All of it will collapse. The world is not ready for a global pandemic. To be truly “ready” for the zombie apocalypse means being ready for all the above 12 disaster scenarios.

Plus zombies!

13 ZOMBIE VIRUS OUTBREAK – The Zombie Apocalypse Will Cause The Complete Collapse of Human Civilization

The zombie apocalypse is the best possible survival training tool ever created to train people how to survive. It has ALL-THE-THINGS. Eve the CDC has a plan for the zombie apocalypse and uses it to train personnel.


Assemble the following items to create a kit for your home, office, school, or vehicle:

  • Water—one gallon per person, per day
  • Food—nonperishable, easy-to-prepare items (minimum 3 day supply)
  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit (whistle, antibiotic ointment, bandages, face masks, gloves
    and reference book)
  • Medications (7 day supply and medicinal dispensers if necessary)
  • Multipurpose supplies (wrench, pliers, plastic sheet, duct tape, scissors, matches)
  • Sanitation/personal hygiene items and bleach
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information,
    proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
  • Cell phone with charger
  • Family Disaster Plan (family and emergency contact information)
  • Extra cash
  • Emergency blanket, extra clothes, sleeping bag (1 for each person)
  • Map(s) of the area

Consider the needs of all family members and add supplies to your kit. Suggested items to help meet additional needs are:

  • Specific medical supplies (hearing aids/extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses,syringes, cane)

  • Baby supplies (bottles, formula, baby food, diapers)

  • Games and activities for children

  • Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, bowl)

  • Two-way radios

  • Extra set of car keys and house keys


The zombie apocalypse is such a great hypothetical allegorical survival scenario because it teaches people how to survive ANYTHING!

If you can survive the zombie apocalypse you can survive anything. The zombie apocalypse survival scenario has EVERYTHING you could possibly have to prepare for. It’s the perfect all-in-one apocalypse. With a 50% to 90% or more mortality rate, a global pandemic caused by the deliberate or accidental release of a genetically engineered zombie “rage” virus would destroy society as we know it.

The zombie apocalypse will cause massive problems on all levels and in all areas of human civilization. It will collapse human civilization completely. Economies, governments, militaries, law enforcement, health systems, food systems, water systems, everything will be affected. A look back at previous outbreaks like the Influenza, The Black Death (Bubonic Plague), and many others which killed hundreds of millions of people.

Today, there might be modern medical treatment and technology, but a pandemic is the most likely and will be the most deadly and dangerous cause of global collapse. If anything has the power to collapse human civilization a global pandemic does. It is the most dangerous threat today. Except maybe an asteroid strike or alien invasion.

That’s 13 threats and reasons you’re likely not ready.

If you prepare for the zombie apocalypse you can survive anything.

Think you could survive?

Are you ready?


ALIENS: I know this seems out there, and is highly unlikely, but hey, it could happen. 😉 (NOTE: If there were an alien invasion, they most probably would use some kind of biological or AI powered machine weapon against humanity. But that’s a whole other story for another time.)

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