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NO! You don’t need to live like a caveman to live off grid.

NO! You don’t need to live like a caveman to live off grid.
Don’t listen to the purist trolls. They are conflating and confusing their own personal opinion with the facts and pushing their own personal preferences on everyone else.
Some folks have a deeply fundamental misunderstanding of what “off grid” means. This is mostly because when they first enter the off grid niche they are looking for info and usually the first ones to chime in and start offering up their opinions are the purists who think there’s only one way of doing things and if you don’t do things that way then you’re not “truly off grid”.
You don’t need to give up running water, hot water, electricity, heating and air conditioning, appliances, or anything like that.
Off grid living doesn’t mean living primitively.
You can still have everything you have now and more and still be off grid. Off grid only means you are disconnected from the municipal power grid. Hence “off grid”.
Don’t listen to the ignorant Neanderthal purists trolls that believe you have to live like a caveman to live off grid. You can have everything every normal suburban house has now, you just product your own power, water, and run everything off grid on solar wind and your battery backup energy storage.
You only need 30kwh per day to live like most suburban homes.
That means a 5kw solar system, 1kw wind turbine, 40 kwh battery system, and for a backup generator to top off your batteries in low light, cloudy and inclement weather, you have a propane generator and a 100 gallon propane tank. Prices for this whole system range on the low side from about $15k to about $30k depending on brand, quality, and manufacturers.
That’s all you need. Average for this is about a $25k investment and you’re off grid permanently. You won’t be using the propane because you’ll have more than enough energy to run everything you could possibly want to run with your off grid system.
No need to live primitively and NEVER EVER LISTEN TO ANY PURISTS tell you any different. If they want to live primitively in a cave let them, just don’t take what they say as gospel, it’s just their opinion and their opinion doesn’t matter if they’re telling you there’s only one way to live off grid.
There are as many ways to live off grid as there are people and families.
Don’t let the purist trolls tell you that you have to live primitively to live off grid. It’s just not true.
If you like technology use technology. If you like hot water, use hot water. If you want electricity use electricity. Same for air conditioning and appliances and washing machines and microwave and your big screen TV.
Live off grid how you want to live off grid and let the know-it-alls and trolls go live in a cave like a caveman.
This is the 21 century. Technology is a part of our lives. It’s how things work. Makes life much easier and there’s absolutely no need to forego using technology unless you absolutely want to.
Live your off grid life how you see fit.
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