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All Our Post Are Belong To You!

In the interest of freedom and sharing knowledge about off grid living, building your own cabin, choosing the perfect off grid land and location to build your off grid homestead or survival bug-out location, we have decided to make all our content available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License that makes it ok to copy and republish any of our articles on this site under the condition you link back to the original article and the source and provide that source link in a prominent place on your website using the title of the article as the link text! That’s it.

Why would we allow others to copy our content and publish it on their own website?

One reason. The free distribution of knowledge and information that is valuable to humanity. We all need to know how to live off the grid and learn some basic survival skills. Off grid living isn’t just about living primitively. You can have technology, internet. electricity, even a custom composting septic system that is both environmentally friendly and inexpensive and affordable to build.

I have done this will all me previous off grid websites because they contain valuable knowledge that I believe makes humanity better while also preserving some of the old ways of our ancestors, our grandparents and their knowledge gets passed down through the generations to our children and theirs for generations to come.

I want to do my part to help share this information in good faith with those who want to learn about how to live off the grid. It’s about sharing knowledge about sustainable living, renewable energy and building your own off grid cabin. This is information that should be freely available to everyone in the world, it’s part of what makes us human.

We’re all one people

We’re all human beings and we all need shelter, water, and food to survive. There are hundreds of types of shelters that people live in all over the world and all throughout human history from the Paleolithic, Neolithic, The Bronze Age, Iron Age, the Industrial Age, and the modern information age. This knowledge has been passed down from our ancestors for thousands of years and we can learn much from their knowledge by continuing to share that knowledge with the world.

All the textual content on this website is FREE for anyone to republish in good faith under the Creative Commons License listed here.

So, I’ve decided to make all the content available to anyone who in good faith would like to use this content to republish on their own website, blog etc. under the condition they provide a source link back to the original article. That’s it. Pretty simple.


NOTICE: In the interest of freedom and sharing knowledge about off grid living, building your own cabin, choosing the perfect off grid land and location to build your off grid homestead or survival bug-out location, we have decided to make all our content available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License that makes it ok to copy and republish any of our articles on this site under the condition you link back to the original article and the source and provide that source link in a prominent place on your website using the title of the article as the link text! That’s it.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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