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Electric Bikes Make The Best Apocalypse Survival Transport



Seriously. I’ve been saying this for a long time. No one listens to me. An example of no one listening to me was 35+ years ago when I was in my teens growing up on the river, I wanted a kayak to fish out of. I talked to EVERYONE I knew, including all the boat dealers and my dad, I wanted a kayak so badly but no one would listen to me. They asked me what I was going to do with it. I said “FISH OUT OF IT! WTF you think I’m gonna do with it!?” Everyone, without exception said “You can’t fish out of a kayak, you’ll flip over. There’s no room. They’re not stable enough. It won’t work. Just get a canoe. Use a Jon boat instead. You can’t fish out of a kayak.” and numerous other lame excuses and ignorant naysaying they had no clue about.

But I knew…I knew kayaks would make GREAT backwater, backcountry and inland waterway fishing platforms. Small, lightweight, fast, and STABLE if you know what you’re doing. You can get into skinny water and places you can’t go in bigger boats and canoes. Canoes are bulky and heavy (unless you can afford a Swift or another high end 25 pound composite hull canoe). Needless to say I could never convince my dad to buy me a kayak and we were poor so I never could afford one myself. Now…kayaks are everywhere. It is the go-to fishing vessel for ALL anglers who are serious about fishing. Every angler I know owns a kayak, and NOW fishing SUP boards are a thing…again, I saw a need for a SUP, the same as I saw a need for kayaks.

Electric Bicycles Are The Same Thing to Survival As Kayaks Are To Fishing!

They are lightweight, highly maneuverable, can be charged with a portable solar panel and wind turbine, even a hand crank, and SOME models of ebikes you can charge them by…get this…pedaling. Yeah! Ebikes are by far the worlds BEST apocalypse survival transport. It’s no wonder Special Forces uses them. Ebikes are stealthy, powerful, and you can carry more gear than if you’re on foot.

You can travel farther, faster, and get deeper into enemy territory. More gear also means more food and water and ammo and tech, meaning missions can last longer, be more stealthy, and teams can move faster. They’re faster to deploy. Cheaper than other transport methods, and in a pinch you can ditch the bike and move overland on foot.

They’re small, easily concealable, and in my opinion make the best apocalypse survival platform on the market today.


Electric bikes make the perfect platform for just about any survival scenario because they’re cheap (relatively speaking) reliable, fast, quiet, small footprint, lightweight, and can be charged on the go with a portable solar panel. Ebikes are simply the best survival transport in this writers opinion.

9 Reasons Why EBikes Are the Perfect Apocalypse Transport

1. Silent Operation

One of the greatest benefits of electric bikes in a post-apocalyptic world is their near-silent operation. Unlike traditional motorbikes, which are loud and can easily attract unwanted attention, electric bikes make minimal noise. This stealth advantage is crucial when traveling through areas that could be populated by hostile groups, zombies, or even aggressive wildlife. Staying unnoticed could mean the difference between survival and danger.

2. Low Maintenance and Versatile Parts

Electric bikes require much less maintenance than motor vehicles. With fewer moving parts, especially compared to gas-powered engines, they are easier to repair using limited resources. Common issues like flat tires or chain problems can be fixed with basic tools, which are more accessible in a collapsed society. Additionally, e-bike parts can often be interchanged or jerry-rigged with bicycle parts found in scavenged locations.

3. Energy Independence

In an apocalypse, fossil fuels would quickly become scarce, and gasoline would degrade over time. Electric bikes, however, can be powered by renewable energy sources such as solar panels or hand-cranked generators. A portable solar panel could be used to recharge the bike’s battery during the day while camped, giving you sustainable transportation as long as sunlight is available. This energy independence is a huge advantage in a world where gas stations no longer exist.

4. Efficient Travel in Difficult Terrain

Electric bikes are lightweight and can navigate various terrains with ease, from urban environments filled with debris to off-road trails. They allow the rider to bypass blocked streets, rubble, or gridlocked highways filled with abandoned cars, where larger vehicles would be unable to pass. Many e-bikes are also designed with fat tires, improving stability on dirt roads, mud, sand, or snow.

5. Extended Range and Backup Power Options

Modern electric bikes have impressive ranges on a single charge, with many capable of traveling 20-70 miles depending on the battery and terrain. Riders can cover substantial ground without worrying about running out of power, and if they do, e-bikes can be pedaled manually, unlike motorcycles. Some e-bikes come with detachable batteries, making it easy to carry a spare or swap them out when needed.

6. Cargo and Hauling Capabilities

While e-bikes may not haul as much as a truck, they can still carry a decent amount of cargo. Many electric bikes come with rear racks, saddlebags, or trailers, making it possible to transport essential survival gear, food, water, and medical supplies. This cargo capacity is vital in scenarios where you need to move with all your essential belongings or carry resources back to a base.

7. Health and Physical Fitness Benefits

In an apocalypse, maintaining your health and physical fitness will be crucial for survival. Pedal-assist e-bikes allow you to get exercise while reducing the strain on your body, as the motor can kick in when you’re fatigued. This not only keeps you moving efficiently but also helps conserve your energy for other survival tasks, such as foraging or defending your base.

8. Survival Communities and Electric Bike Networks

Electric bikes could be an excellent tool for survival communities, allowing individuals to travel between outposts or settlements efficiently. Building an interconnected network of solar-powered charging stations across a territory would create an effective means of transportation and communication, helping communities stay connected and trade resources, all while maintaining energy independence from gasoline.

9. Customization and Tactical Advantages

In an apocalypse, customizing your e-bike for tactical purposes could provide significant benefits. Adding camouflage to reduce visibility, equipping it with off-road tires for better traction, or even incorporating small, portable weapons or survival gear can turn your electric bike into a personalized survival vehicle. Some may even go further, incorporating additional solar panels directly onto the bike or setting up modular attachments like water or ammo carriers.



Backup Transport When Your Main Vehicle Fails

In a survival situation, your primary vehicle, like a truck or car, can be a lifeline. However, if it breaks down, whether due to engine failure, running out of fuel, or mechanical issues, you need an immediate alternative. This is where an electric bike becomes an excellent backup transport option.

If your truck fails in the middle of nowhere, an e-bike can serve as a lifeline to scavenge for parts, fuel, or supplies. Instead of being stranded or forced to travel on foot, an e-bike provides quick, efficient mobility to reach nearby settlements, garages, or abandoned areas where you might find the resources you need.

Escape and Evasion Tool

In dangerous scenarios where you’re being pursued—whether by hostile survivors, animals, or something worse—an e-bike offers a fast and agile means to escape. Trucks or larger vehicles can get bogged down in rough terrain, blocked roads, or debris-filled urban areas. In these situations, an e-bike’s smaller size and ability to maneuver through narrow spaces allow for quicker escape and evasion. If you’re ambushed or need to disappear quickly, an e-bike can help you slip away into hard-to-reach areas, where larger vehicles can’t follow.

Compact and Easily Stowed

Electric bikes are compact and can be stowed in your primary vehicle, like a truck bed or mounted on the back. When your main vehicle breaks down, you can simply pull out your e-bike and continue your journey. This versatility makes it a valuable backup plan that doesn’t take up too much space or resources until you need it.

Efficient Over Short Distances

In the apocalypse, you might only need to travel a few miles to get help or find critical supplies. E-bikes are perfect for short to medium distances, allowing you to cover ground quickly without expending a lot of energy. With the assist of the electric motor, you can move faster and with less physical strain than walking or running, which is crucial in situations where time and stamina are of the essence.

Low Risk of Breakdown

Unlike a truck or car with many complex moving parts, an e-bike has a much lower risk of breaking down. If the electric component fails, you can still pedal it like a regular bicycle. This redundancy ensures that you’re never left stranded with no way to move.

Speed and Stealth

While a truck can be fast, it’s often noisy and limited by road conditions. An e-bike can offer you the best of both worlds: speed and stealth. You can quietly bypass dangers, avoid drawing attention to your location, and move efficiently toward safety or critical resources.

By keeping an e-bike as a backup, you’re not just preparing for a breakdown; you’re giving yourself a tactical advantage in terms of mobility, safety, and adaptability in an apocalyptic environment.

Stealth and Agility in Urban Areas

In the event of an apocalypse, highways, streets, and roads are likely to become cluttered with abandoned vehicles, debris, and hazards from chaos, looting, and fighting. Larger vehicles like trucks or SUVs may struggle to navigate through these congested areas. They might even have to backtrack or take lengthy detours to find an accessible route. This wastes valuable time and fuel—both of which are critical for survival.

An e-bike, on the other hand, excels in maneuvering through tight spaces. Whether weaving between wrecked cars or slipping through narrow alleys, e-bikes allow you to bypass most roadblocks that would halt or slow down a larger vehicle. This means you can continue moving forward without being forced to double back, saving time and increasing your odds of getting where you need to go quickly.

Moreover, the stealth aspect of e-bikes comes into play here. In a scenario where every sound might draw attention from hostiles or zombies, the quiet motor of an e-bike allows you to move with minimal noise. This reduces the likelihood of attracting unwanted attention, making it easier to escape a dangerous situation unnoticed.

Navigating Difficult Terrain

When traditional roads are no longer passable, off-road routes may become your only option. Larger vehicles, even those designed for off-road travel, can struggle with narrow trails, dense forests, steep inclines, or rocky terrain. They require space, and their weight can make them prone to getting stuck or bogged down.

E-bikes offer a significant advantage in navigating difficult terrain. Their lightweight design makes it easier to traverse narrow paths, forest trails, or even steep hills where a truck would be unable to follow. The motorized assistance also gives you a boost when pedaling through mud, sand, or uphill slopes, which would otherwise slow down manual travel on foot. This agility can be the difference between evading a pursuing enemy or becoming cornered.

In environments where the terrain is rugged or remote—mountain trails, dense woods, or rural areas—the e-bike can serve as an ideal tool to cover ground faster than walking while being agile enough to pass through narrow gaps in rocks, trees, or debris. The combination of speed and maneuverability significantly enhances your chances of escape when fleeing dangerous situations.

Escape from Pursuers on Foot

If you’re being pursued by enemies who are on foot, having an e-bike gives you a major tactical advantage. Even in rough terrain, the speed you can achieve on an e-bike far exceeds what someone can manage on foot. This allows you to put critical distance between yourself and the threat, increasing your odds of escape and giving you more time to find shelter or safety.

Unlike larger vehicles that might have to stop or slow down for obstacles, e-bikes can maintain a swift pace, zipping through areas that would require an enemy on foot to navigate more cautiously. This can give you valuable minutes or even hours to secure your escape, putting a buffer between you and the threat that would be impossible if you were on foot or stuck in a bulky vehicle.

Traversing Blocked Highways and Urban Debris

In a scenario where highways and urban roads are clogged with abandoned vehicles, burned-out cars, or barricades, larger vehicles would become a liability. Trucks or SUVs might find themselves trapped in traffic jams of wreckage, unable to push through without significant effort, or they might be forced to backtrack, costing precious time and resources.

An e-bike’s smaller profile allows you to slip through these congested areas. You can navigate through gaps between cars, ride along sidewalks, or even cut through fields and back alleys where a truck could never go. This makes an e-bike an invaluable tool for keeping you mobile in a world where traditional roadways may no longer be an option.

The ability to avoid bottlenecks where other survivors or threats may be clustered also increases your chance of survival. Being stuck in a vehicle jam can leave you vulnerable to attack or ambush, but on an e-bike, you can quickly bypass these choke points without drawing attention to yourself.

Survival in Remote, Off-Road Areas

If the terrain you need to travel through is not accessible by road—such as mountains, dense forests, or deserts—traveling by truck may not be practical, and walking on foot can be exhausting and slow. An e-bike in these scenarios offers an excellent balance between speed and mobility.

Whether you’re riding along mountain trails, crossing open fields, or traversing through forest paths, an e-bike can cover large distances quickly, giving you a chance to reach safety before an enemy or predator on foot can catch up. If you’re escaping a hostile group, the extra speed allows you to put distance between yourself and danger, making it harder for pursuers to track or find you.

Evading Blockades and Ambushes

In an apocalyptic world, you may come across makeshift blockades or ambushes where hostile groups are trying to control access to resources or territory. These roadblocks are usually designed to stop larger vehicles, but with an e-bike, you can often find a way through, avoiding the main roads and navigating side paths or terrain where blockades aren’t set up.

The ability to avoid conflict zones or ambush sites entirely by taking back routes and off-road paths is a huge survival advantage. Staying agile, avoiding trouble, and finding new paths can keep you alive when traditional vehicles would be forced to stop or confront potential threats.

In summary, an e-bike as a backup transport option in an apocalypse gives you stealth, agility, and mobility that larger vehicles cannot offer. It provides a means to escape through difficult terrain, navigate around roadblocks, and create distance between you and those who might be hunting you. The e-bike’s speed and maneuverability make it an essential survival tool for those needing a reliable backup when their primary vehicle fails.


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